Wednesday, 23 October 2013

October Celebrations

What a lovely month we’ve had in the Crummy Household….


We’ve had birthdays and an anniversary.  Miss Bags made a cake for her Nonna and Pops’ birthdays.


We took Nonna and Pops out for a birthday dinner, and Pops had the BIGGEST mixed grill you have EVER seen!  I think he had to lie flat, VERY flat when we got home!

It was our 7th wedding anniversary, I got some lovely flowers and we had a wee bottle to celebrate!


It’s Hallowe’en next week and Miss Bags has a spooky school disco, and a party to go to, and then we are off to the Haunted Castle for some spooky fun!


As the weather turns, and sunny days are few and far between, I was treated to a lovely October rainbow while out walking…. It made getting caught in the rain worth it!

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