Sunday, 13 October 2013

First Tooth…..

Miss Bags has lost her first tooth!   She is so pleased and can’t wait to show everyone!
This meant the Tooth Fairy had to visit!  How do children find out about the Tooth Fairy anyway?  I am sure Miss Bags informed me that she would be getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy when she lost her tooth, long before we had ever mentioned it!  Peppa Pig has a lot to answer for!

Once her tooth was definitely loose (and before it fell out)  I canvassed opinion amongst my friends.  What is the going rate for teeth, and indeed the First Tooth?

Some of their answers left me recoiling in horror - £10, £20???  Some were more sensible…. £1, £2…..  I am of the generation where you received 10p!  Crummy Hubby and I settled for two 50 pence pieces…. Miss Bags is still of the age where she thinks more coins  = more value! We also decided that for the First Tooth, we would get her a toy of her choice, from US not the Tooth Fairy.

Given my propensity to “Believe” (Father Christmas, Elf on the Shelf, Easter Bunny etc)  I wanted to make the Tooth Fairy experience “real” for Miss Bags.  I did some searching on the internet and I found this great Tooth Fairy Pillow and this great Tooth Fairy Stationery!

So I set to work.  I made a pillow – its not quite as good – but it does the job. And I printed out and laminated a tooth fairy note.

Well, Miss Bags loved it.  And I love the way we have a record of her teeth coming out.

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