Last week I was on a course at work.
This has meant that instead of heading into work at 7am, Crummy Hubby has gone
in early, and I have picked up the mantle of the school-run and nursery drop
off. Together with some careful planning and help from family and
other school-run mums we thought we had it covered..... Best laid plans hey?!
Here's a flavour of the week's early morning
antics - Crummy Mummy style!
Monday - What a fab and relaxed morning. I even
managed a "lie-in" by Monday standards, and got up at 7:30. The
weans were up and breakfasting, and everything was under control. We had
arranged for Pops to be on Miss Bags school pick-up duty, and there is no
nursery for The Wilburbeast on a Monday, he stays at home with Nonna,
so Crummy Hubby and I were able to both work normal days (roughly
9-5). After work, Miss Bags had swimming, I sorted out the nursery bags
for Tuesday, put them in the car, left myself a post it reminder for the
morning, and prepared dinner. This is easy I thought!
Tuesday - Things were more fraught this morning! We had
arranged for Miss Bags to go to a friends house, and then onward to school with
them after I had dropped The Wilburbeast at nursery, but I had an early
morning text message saying that he was ill! Love her, my friend said she
would still take Miss Bags in for me as her husband was at home, but I didn't
want to put her out. So we had a wee last minute replan, where I would
drop The Wilburbeast at nursery, then head to work, Crummy Hubby would grab
Miss Bags in the car park , and then head to school and onwards to his hospital
appointment. Phew. Crummy Hubby goes to work at 7. I'm just about to get
in the shower, when The Wilburbeast wakes up and yells for Daddy. He
chucks a strop because not only am I not Daddy but I am also not
dressed. He won't get up until I have my pyjamas back on. A towel
just won't cut it. At this point, my alarm had gone off... so The Wilburbeast
is yelling, Miss Bags is getting dressed, the shower is running, BBC Breakfast
is blaring, my radio alarm is playing merrily to itself and my phone is
beeping. Not such a relaxed atmosphere this morning! Back in my
pyjamas, I get The Wilburbeast up and sort him out with milk and
breakfast. Miss Bags is breakfasting, and I can shower in peace! I
am mentally congratulating myself (high-fives all round!) on being so prepared
and getting all the bags and stuff in the car the night before and running
through a list of things I need to do..... OK, so all I have to do is get The
Wilburbeast dressed and get all the children in the car, and leave. I’m just
allowing myself a wee few minutes respite when suddenly.... “Oh shit, he needs lunch!” Now I have NO IDEA what The Wilburbeast has
for lunch at nursery, I never make his lunch.
I know it will revolve around a butter sandwich but what else? I had to text
Crummy Hubby. Finally, everyone
made it to where they needed to be!
Wednesday – well this was OK, because Crummy Hubby was at home
to help with all the morning hysteria.
Thursday – I was more organised this morning. I was however,
foiled by the Infant School and their failure to open the door at 08:45 for
drop off. Don’t they know I have to be
at work for 9! Those extra few minutes
in the morning really do count at rush hour!
It then took me 30 minutes to battle across the traffic to work, a
journey that usually takes 15 min, tops.
I guess I am spoiled by the fact that I miss all the traffic starting at
Friday – this was the day that the wheels finally came off!
All I had to do was get The Wilburbeast to
his friend’s house by 08:15, and get Miss Bags to school.
I pre-empted the “No, I SAID
DADDY!” hysteria by leaving The
Wilburbeast to his own devices while I showered, and once he’d calmed down, he
went downstairs and had milk.
getting Universal Free School meals at Infant School, Miss Bags has decided she
hates their chips and wanted a packed lunch.
Crummy Hubby had pre-empted that and already made her sandwich, so all I
had to do was sling it in the lunchbox.
We’d packed
football kit, and a
wee bag of clothes for The Wilburbeast the night before, so it should have been
just a case of all getting in the car.
How wrong I was…. I spent an inordinate amount of time running up and
down the stairs getting jumpers, locating GymTots T-shirts, and looking for
various members of the cast of Cars.
fact, there was SO much chaos, Miss Bags declared she was worn out just
watching me....! (While standing there at 07:55 in her PYJAMAS! - just bloody get dressed will you!)
- I forgot to turn the TV off
- I forgot to give the weans breakfast (The Wilburbeast had a pancake in the car, and not-so Crummy Hubby had thankfully given Miss Bags cereal)
- I forgot to implore the weans to clean their teeth (so they didn't!)
- I didn’t do Chloe’s hair before I left (thus requiring another mad dash upstairs for a brush and a bobble)
- I forgot The Wilburbeast’s coat…… Guess what – it rained!
On top of
all that, Miss Bags spent the journey to school listing my shortcomings for
that morning (see above), and she and The Wilburbeast have decided that I am rubbish in the
morning and they want Daddy back because he is more organised
(I’m funnier apparently though!)
I'm looking forward to next week when normal
service will be resumed…..
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